Services _&_ Skills

Services & Skills

How can we help?

  • Software Development

    Our main goal is software design, development and support for mobile devices. We develop, configure, deploy and install useful and reliable high valued software for professional Android environments, working from simple scripts using ADB to MDM applications like SOTI.

  • Mobility Apps

    The Rounding Mobile Technologies team specialises in professional mobility software running on rugged hand-held devices, tablets, glasses, beacons, etc…
    We work mainly with the logistic area using software to vocalize any application used on an Android device, including Reflex Web and SAP.

  • Consulting Services

    Our additional service: helping companies to identify, build and implement transformation strategies that improve growth and intensify their competitiveness, reducing costs, time and errors. 

Some Tools

Nuance provides speech resources for applications. Makes recognition and/or text-to-speech requests.
EMDK for Android includes class libraries, sample apps and source code that enables developers to easily build apps that take full advantage of the power of Zebra devices.
Empower your software by using Honeywell SDK to create innovative applications that incorporate the latest mobile, printing, and data collection technologies.
Transforms the ProGlove wearable scanner into a companion for your workforce with capabilities that go well beyond barcode scanning. The app delivers key utilities that are highly valued by a mobile workforce.
Secures and manages all of your mobile devices, apps, and IoT endpoints. This allows Enterprises the ability to remotely secure, track, configure and support their Corporate and or personally (Employee) owned devices

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